John Hinderaker

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Sore-loser Democrats keep obstructing democracy — now in Minnesota

When Democrats lose, their first impulse is to obstruct, to take their ball and go home — as their ongoing boycott in Minnesota's House of Representatives shows.

This Minnesotan warns: You REALLY don't want Tim Walz taking his act nationally

As a 50-year resident of Minnesota, I’ve followed vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s career closely.

Four years after George Floyd, Minneapolis still scarred

Saturday marks the fourth anniversary of the death of George Floyd on a Minneapolis street.

Remaking the courts may be Trump's biggest, best success

President Trump is expected to comment publicly Wednesday on the milestones his administration has reached with respect to judicial confirmations. His record is indeed remarkable: Working in close tandem with...


IT'S an article of faith on the left that the Bush administra tion has done nothing that has enhanced our security - rather, its alleged blunders have only contributed to...